All people have different preferences by which they learn material. Understanding your child’s learning styles will help you determine what type of school is most appropriate for your child. The three commonly accepted learning styles used by educators are Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic.
Visual Learner: Your child prefers to learn by seeing things written or in pictures. Visual learners are stimulated when their surroundings are orderly and visually stimulating and may be turned off by clutter.
Auditory learner: Your child prefers to listen and talk with their teachers and classmates but may not perform will in a loud environment.
Kinesthetic learner: Your child is stimulated by physical activity and likes hands-on projects that emphasize their fine motor skills (i.e., writing, drawing, building blocks); however, they will have difficulty if they are asked to stay still for long periods of time.
Visual Learners
Best Fit
Find schools with classrooms and hallways that are organized and filled with excellent pieces of students’ work. Avoid schools with bare walls or that are overly cluttered.
Auditory learners
Best Fit
Look for schools that emphasize class discussion and group work. Avoid schools that emphasize individual work and quiet time.
Kinesthetic Learners
Best Fit
Find schools that emphasize hands-on activities and play. Avoid schools that use text books or stress desk work