Our Services

In addition to the school finder and school comparison tool, EduProfile offers several services to help parents identify the private and public schools that meet your child's and family's needs as well as navigate the admissions process. More specifically, we offer

  • Confidential individual consulting services
  • Workshops
  • EduProfile

Confidential Individual Consulting Services

We provide individual consulting services to parents who would like help navigating the public and private preschool admissions process. More specifically, we can help parents with any one or more of the following steps:

Step 1) Develop your child's and family's educational profile

Step 2) Identify the schools that meet your child’s and family’s needs

Step 3) Understand the logistics of the admissions process

Step 4) Prepare for the school tours as well as the parent and student interviews

Step 5) Complete the application and write a compelling essay

Step 6) Select the best school for your child and family


We regularly offer the following workshops to help parents understand and navigate the private and public school admissions process.

  • Navigating the preschool admissions process
  • Navigating the private school admissions process
  • Navigating the public school admissions process


We have created a survey that will help us determine your child’s educational profile as well as your family’s educational goals and practical concerns. More specifically, the survey asks questions about your child’s basic learning capacity, skill development, learning styles, motivation to learn, social temperament and disabilities. In addition, the questionnaire asks parents about the importance of various school characteristics (e.g., educational approach, <a class="lexicon-term" href="/?q=glossary/teaching-methods" title="Schools emphasize different approaches to teaching. At one end of the spectrum is teacher-directed instruction in which teachers are the experts and build children’s skills through lectures, reading, and demonstrations. At the other end of the spectrum, the teacher is a coach emphasizing self-discovery by providing students with the appropriate goals, materials and some direction that allows children to learn for themselves. Of course, there are a number of schools which incorporate both of these techniques. Depending on your child’s motivational and learning styles, one approach may be more preferable than the other.">teaching methods, classroom behavior management approach, school community) as well as any practical considerations that are important, including the school’s type, location, schedule, transportation, and cost. Once we have reviewed the survey results, we will send you information about your child’s educational profile as well as a list of schools that we think will meet your child’s and family’s needs.