We hope that you have found the school finder and comparison tool with profiles of thousands of public and private schools in your metropolitan area useful. We also offer more individualized services to clients. More specifically, we provide the following services:
Individual Consulting: We have also developed a six-step process to help reduce parents' anxiety and save them time when applying to private or public schools as well as to enhance your child's chances of being accepted to a school of your choice. Please click on the Individual Consulting tab above for more detailed information about this service.
Workshops: We regularly offer workshops to help parents learn about the logistics of the private and public school admissions process. All participants return home with material that summarizes the information presented at the workshops as well as handouts to help them prepare for the school tours, student and parent interviews and entrance exams. Please click on the Workshops tab above for more detailed information about this service.
Eduprofile: Parents are asked to complete a survey regarding your child's educational profile as well as your family's academic goals and practical concerns. We use the results from the questionnaire to create a document that describes your child's educational profile as well as lists schools that we think meet your child's and family's needs. Please click on the Eduprofile tab above to learn more about this service.